Saturday, April 3, 2010

Totaldramaisland Prno

I move-in at Ahotik

First Steps Speaking after four years of journalism and lurched several seemed like lying about my age. Besides, now that I've decided to dedicate myself professionally to communication and gender, I see no sense to maintain two blogs, one personal and one professional. Both, my professional projects and my personal reflections will be reflected from now on my new blog, Kazetari Mari.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fotos Sensuales D Jennyfer Lopes D Su Culo

Hurrengo Elkarrizketa EGK-ren (Euskadiko Gazteriaren Kontseilua) egin aldizkarirako Applicants. Bi eta Gazte kazetari gender Emakume ikuspegia Duen kazetaritzari buruz hitz Egito egon gara:

"gazteei buruz Komunikabideak aritzen dira, gazte horien generoa kontutan hartu gabe, eta genero ikuspegia funtsezkoa da errealitatea ulertzeko"

Telebista piztu eta... gizonentzako desodorante baten iragarkiak erasan nau: fl ishfl ish egin eta emakume guztiak bere oinetara ditu. Ez ote dago horrelako desusaingarririk emakumeentzat? Emakumeentzako desodoranteak semealabek gure besapea musukatu ahal dezaten omen dira...

Komunikabideetan eta, batez ere, publizitatean, rol oso tinkoak mantentzen dira eta begirada guztiz androzentrikoa da. Emakumeentzat soilik feminitatearekin lotzen diren produktuak zuzentzen dira: kosmetika, konpresak eta garbitzeko produktuak. Emakume zein gizonek kontsumitzen dituzten produktuen iragarkiak, berriz, gizonei zuzenduta daude gehien bat (edariak, kotxeak…); gizona baita gizarte patriarkal honetan zentroa, izaki unibertsala. Iragarkietan islatzen den arrakasta kontzeptua ere maskulinotasunaren balioei argi lotuta dago.

Segi irakurtzen! (3. orrialdean)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pokemon Rom Fire Red Mac Os

Elkarrizketa Looking for new projects. Do you collaborate? Tangled

Yo quiero ilusionarme con nuevos proyectos profesionales. A tí tal vez te venga bien contar con la colaboración de una periodista especializada en género, en migraciones y demás temas sociales. ¿Por qué no colaboramos? Esto es lo que te puedo ofrecer desde ahora, pero estaré encantada si me propones un reto nuevo.

1- Colaboraciones como redactora: I interested in writing features, stories and interviews (do not rule out the op-eds) on social issues, especially those related to gender, multiculturalism and diversity. Yes, I realize that my goal is not to be neutral, but I understand journalism as a tool for social transformation. I work for the country as well as for magazines such as Frida and Emakunde. I write both in Castilian and Euskera.

2 - Communication services to institutions and social organizations in the field of gender equality: I can advise and train to improve the projection in the media. I can collaborate on writing and editing content, whether for a page web, a corporate magazine or other projects that require quality text.

3 - Provide courses and workshops on gender and communication: Communication is not sexist representation of women and men in the media, how to use new technologies to raise awareness for equality, non-sexist language or images ...

4 - Lectures and papers: If you are organizing a conference related to communication or equality, you might want to have the perspective of a journalist with a gender perspective. Informative treatment of male violence or trafficking, general introduction to non-sexist communication, presenting the experience of journalist networks with a gender perspective ...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Twilight Ipod Engravings

build equality in the media

Published December 2009 Diagonal

In Bogota, at 2,600 meters closer to the stars (as we like to remind the organizers reminded the rest of us altitude sickness), about 70 members of the International Network

with Vision Gender met on 27, 28 and 29 November to share projects, experiences and dreams to fulfill. It was the third meeting of this platform created in 2005 with the aim of promoting equality between women and men to and from the media and to promote solidarity and cooperation in a profession marked by patriarchal forms of competitiveness and individualism. The breakthrough

of the previous game against was that hosted a Red mature enough to make strong theoretical and practical proposals. The inaugural address was Nuria Varela, war correspondent and currently advises the Ministry of Equality, who spoke on reporting in conflict zones, placing to build a culture of peace from the "real journalism: a journalism that is intended sets a target for changing the world, that's what made us all be journalists. " Read

How To Install Rigid Insulation In Basement

xenophobic prejudices in times of crisis

Opinion article published in December 2009 in Deia and Gara
JPG - 92 KB
: On June Fernández-SOS Racism

xenophobic prejudices in times of crisis


the cliche says, fear is free and creates biases that help reduce uncertainty. We use them to order our minds, simplify reality to process quickly and thus feel a false sense of security that allows us to think we know who we face, is a person or an entire group to which homogenization, we can anticipate their attitudes and future behaviors. In return, yes, to limit our happiness and keep us from making a correct analysis of social realities that affect us.
Half of the Basque population is afraid that the social welfare system deteriorate with the arrival of immigrants, reveals the latest report on perceptions of the Basque Observatory of Immigration, Ikuspegi. One major bias is that capture the benefits. Bakeaz A study published in 2008, among other works, indicating that immigrants bring to the Basque economy, 23.5% more in taxes than native people (due to its higher rate of activity), while public social spending sticks to their rightful percentage (4% when the report was made).

N3− Polar Or Nonpolar?

prostitution, hypocrisy and the Aliens Act Xenophobia and crime

Article published in September 2009 in Deia, Diario de Noticias of Giputzkoa, Gara, Begitu, Women of the World, Women in Red, E-Women and the Public as well as various feminist blogs.

prostitution, hypocrisy and the Aliens Act

On June Fernandez, a member of SOS Racism, Bizkaia, Bilbao. A sordid photos released last week by a leading English newspaper that showed scenes of explicit sex in the heart of Barcelona have reopened the debate on how institutions must act of prostitution. A necessary debate, but unfortunately, is being treated as a mere problem of public order. What worries the public is not the situation of multiple discrimination, invisibility and violations in which women live, mostly illegal immigrants, prostitutes, but their neighborhoods are interspersed with scenes look marginal.
Euskadi is no stranger to this debate. Bilbao City Council, for example, has spent months preparing an ordinance in the likeness of Barcelona. The goal, once again, not to protect Nigerian women without papers that offer sexual services in the streets of our city, but keep them dispersed and hidden (which makes the public health intervention with them) to prevent tarnish the image of the town. But the pictures of Barcelona have also served to reopen the appellant discussion between passes if the final solution to abolish or regulate prostitution. Those pushing to empty the streets of women engaged in prostitution claim the latter. In our view, however, the abolition versus regulation debate has been overtaken by social reality. It makes no sense to speak of regulation when about 90% of prostitutes are immigrants, and almost all practicing in the street are in an irregular situation. Read

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Opinion article published in August 2009 in Deia, Diario de Noticias de Gipuzkoa and Berria
Xenophobia and crime

by june fernández

In recent weeks there have been many reports in certain newspapers, signed by journalists who used to link immigration and crime, blaming open to young North Africans in an alleged increase in crime. They were responsible for an alleged rise in robberies with intimidation in the Bilbao Aste Nagusia, and are identified as the typical profile of offenders arrested in recent police operations in Donostia.

These news are based only on official data and rigorous in the account of individual policemen who disregard the recommendation of the regional ombudsman issued in 2004 not to provide the press with the origin of those arrested for not feeding xenophobia. The latest

Ikuspegi study, more than half the population thinks that the arrival of immigrants affects negatively safety. It is not uncommon, with news that young North Africans described Chavalit slapping or assaulting elderly to steal her necklace (I quote as published in certain media of wide circulation), much of the public internalize these guys are, per se

, potential offenders and also the worst sort.
chronic yielded the caricatures "more than reinforce prejudice and xenophobic stereotyping? At SOS Racism we have of course not. Furthermore, in contrast to reports serious as recently published by the Department of Justice, which states, less than 8% of young offenders are immigrants from the Maghreb. Read