Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chemotherapy And Radiotherapy Difference

komunikabideetan / male violence in the Salerosketaren

Kazetarion Berdinsarea (Gender Ikuspegia duten Kazetarien Euskal Sarea) osatzen dugunok biziki kezkatuta gaude hedabideek genero indarkeriari ematen dieten tratamenduagatik. Askok “indarkeria matxista” kontzeptua bere egin duten arren, oro har, gertakari isolatuak bailitzan aurkezten dituzte gizonek emakumeei egindako tratu txarrak, erasoak, bortxaketak eta hilketak. Gure ustez, ordea, arazoaren jatorrira jo behar dugu kazetariok, eta argi azaldu emakumeen aurkako indarkeriaren oinarria sistema patriarkalean eta genero desberdintasunean dagoela, hots, historikoki gizonek emakumeak mendean hartu izanaren ondorio dela.

Maite Asensio eta June Fernández, Kazetarion Berdinsarea-ren kideak .

Deia, Berria eta Diario de Noticias de Álavan argitaratutako artikulua. Segi

irakurtzen! We at
Kazetarion Berdinsarea, the Basque Network of Journalists with a Gender Perspective, we express our concern about the treatment that the media are giving domestic violence. Despite having begun to introduce the concept of "gender violence", most of the news report on child abuse, assault, rape and murder of men to women as if they were isolated events, the result of a private conflict. In our opinion, the journalists have to find the source of the problem and, therefore, explain that violence against women is a result of domination historical patriarchal and gender inequalities that still exist in all areas of life.

Fernández Maite Asensio and June, members of Kazetarion Berdinsarea. Article published in Deia, Berria and Diario de Noticias de Álava. Read !


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