Friday, February 13, 2009

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mirage Will against Gender equality indarkeria

feminists urge the Government to increase its future in the law to guarantee rights and freedoms of women

THE COUNTRY-Basque Country 01/13/2009

The formula parodied "Basques" which uses lehendakari

is a sample (not the best) that concerns such as non-sexist language use has spread among the political class of Euskadi. The programs of all major parties advocate equality between women and men as a condition of a free society that fosters economic and social cohesion. Feminism sees with amazement how the political class assumes much of his speech. If even President Zapatero is defined as a feminist, have they peaked the reivinidcaciones of women? The figures on violence against women and discrimination indicate otherwise.

paraphrase the philosopher Amelia Valcárcel, several experts baptize the current situation as "the mirage of equality" and details the major pending issues that the Government out of the election must be approved to ensure women's rights and freedoms. The main progress in the rest is to effectively implement the Equality Act passed in 2005.

Photo: Pradip J. Phanse


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