Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Honda Rancher Wheel Adaptor

. Images

Tango Spain was the official ball ADIDAS submitted to World Cup in Spain in 1982. The design (the triads) is exactly the same as its predecessor, the Tango World Cup River Plate 1978. The only difference is that Spain has the word below where it says that the Tango and reference Pentagon says "Official Ball 1982 World Cup." It was made of genuine leather, so as shown in the picture, the skin is a little cracked. World Argentina see section 1978.

Nortel Bcm 400 Programming

formal equality before the press sexist violence

FRIDA-Looks Gender Violence, sexist, macho ... These expressions are increasingly present in the Basque media. Gone are the days when cases of abuse, rape or even murder of women were like the best kept secret in each family, which caused more shame and guilt for the victim, even more than the aggressor. Today, domestic violence is punishable by law and considered a social problem that concerns all citizens. The press has begun to reflect that social concern. However, it still read expressions like "crime of passion", rough data and testimony unreliable as the appellant "was a good person, a normal guy." To mark the International Day Against Violence Against Women, Kazetarion Berdinsarea, a network of journalists with a gender that brings in Euskadi thirty media professionals from various feminist perspective in three Basque newspapers published an article opinion in which he analyzed the treatment that the press is giving gender-based violence. The main conclusion was that most news continues to report the subject matter "as if they were isolated events, the result of a private dispute."

Ferdinand Courally St.etienne


Emakunde 80 women's associations to advocate for greater equality - The project will continue with workshops over three years

THE COUNTRY-Basque Country

A feminist recent meeting, an assistant questioned that "the macramé involved in the design of policies on equality. Other instantly understood he was referring to: these socio-cultural associations in which women share experiences and perform various leisure activities. The term alerted many of the risk that even those who defend the rights of women end prejudging and labeling them. This episode is just one example of the stereotypical image society has of a community that allow thousands of housewives, retirees, widows and other women fight isolation, gain independence and participate in society.

aware of this socio-cultural associations have Vizcaya Emakunde asked to receive training on gender and communication, to better spread their contributions and achieve greater social recognition. The project started last Thursday in Bilbao with a day attended by 80 representatives of associations that encompass nearly 2,000 women.

Rubber Cement Discharge On Shots

also learn magic wand

Political parties promise more R + D + i as a solution to the crisis

THE COUNTRY- Basque politicians are becoming innovation, a word that sounds so modern rallies, but few could describe without hesitation, one of the most repeated mantras against the crisis. Most programs put the proposals related to research, development and innovation (R + D + i), in the chapter on emergency measures against recession. The political class makes teaching against the temptation to cut budgets and highlights the importance of working towards a second transformation of the Basque economy, investing in areas such as bio and nanosciences against the excessive weight of some industries more typical of the twentieth century.
All parties agree that investing in innovation is more important than ever. The left-wing advocate strengthening basic research and public, while the PP prefers pampering businesses to create wealth and employment. In any case, the shared commitments to increase investment in R + D + i collide with reality: the first items to be cut, because no immediate benefits.

order not to raise false expectations, the researchers consulted insist on not submit the I + D + i as a "magic bullet against crisis", but as a long-term bet. It is no coincidence that the acronym on innovation scroll to the bottom and lower case. Innovation means bringing into production processes the results of scientific research and technological development, improving the competitiveness of the company. The conclusion is clear: to do so is to consolidate a system of science and technology stable and consistent. Read!

Using Electric Razor To Masterbate

innovation Fernandez CV of June

Fernández Date of birth: 07/12/1984 Birthplace

: Bilbao (Bizkaia)

Hometown: Bilbao

Email :
june.fernandez1 @


2002-2006 Bachelor of Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of Leioa (UPV / EHU)

OTHER COURSES 2009 "Techniques for public speaking", School Basauri Empowerment (20h) 2008 "Multiculturalism and Feminism course" Empowering the Basauri (8h)

2004 "Course Web Page Design" by Centric Training Academy (309h)


2006-2009 currently a regular contributor to the newspaper EL PAÍS

reports, interviews and news for the edition of the Basque Country, the national edition and its supplements

2009 Today Magazine contributor 2008-2009 Emakunde

currently consulting partner of equality and masculinity Aizak

Copywriting for the Web, blog and newspaper Gizonduz of program Emakunde Gizonduz

    Currently, partnerships with the media company specializing in gender equality Kahlomedia:
  • Writing content for the Journal


Magazine Editorial content Emeki Equality Area Getxo

  • Collaborations 2006-2007 as editor of SLU Mediatrade Vocento

  • Stories for Consumer web sites. is and

Practices 2005-2006 Vocento

Mediatrade SLU (344h)

  • Copywriting
  • Using web publishing tools

  • EUSKERA LANGUAGES Mother tongue along with Castilian
2005 Approved the elementary cycle of the Official Language School

texts in Euskera Frida Magazine, El Pais and the program's Web Gizonduz


Good level of reading comprehension and oral. Average level of conversation

2007 Hermann Brown intensive course (40h) 2000 Preliminary Inglés Test (PET)


medium-high Knowledge:

Environment Office

Int ernet and Web 2.0 (blogs, social networks ....)


HTML, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop and Quark Express

  • Basics:
  • Macromedia Flash

  • Web edition: Cute FTP and XML


- Specialty: Gender, Migration, University, Education, Research

- Blogs:
  • Ellipsis (personal) and Getting Started

(most representative texts)

- Founder and member of

Kazetarion Berdinsarea-Basque Journalists with a Gender Perspective

And a member of the International Network of Journalists with a Gender Perspective. - Associate of the critical current newspaper Diagonal - Militant SOS Racismo-Bizkaia, founder of the Gender Commission and member of its Committee on Children. Organization of the Conference on Unaccompanied Minors in Bilbao (May 2008)

- Member of the network of blogs committed solidarity


- Driving license B

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good Argument Proposal

Tango Spain in 1930 the first World

Here is a game played first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930. Uruguay won casually. We also see one of the two models that are playing games, this was in fact the legendary leather ball that we all know by their appearance. Consisted 12 segments of skin and had a stitch where untied so they can inflate the bladder used to be animal skin. See more about this model in the articles of "Uruguay World 1930."