Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rubber Cement Discharge On Shots

also learn magic wand

Political parties promise more R + D + i as a solution to the crisis

THE COUNTRY- Basque politicians are becoming innovation, a word that sounds so modern rallies, but few could describe without hesitation, one of the most repeated mantras against the crisis. Most programs put the proposals related to research, development and innovation (R + D + i), in the chapter on emergency measures against recession. The political class makes teaching against the temptation to cut budgets and highlights the importance of working towards a second transformation of the Basque economy, investing in areas such as bio and nanosciences against the excessive weight of some industries more typical of the twentieth century.
All parties agree that investing in innovation is more important than ever. The left-wing advocate strengthening basic research and public, while the PP prefers pampering businesses to create wealth and employment. In any case, the shared commitments to increase investment in R + D + i collide with reality: the first items to be cut, because no immediate benefits.

order not to raise false expectations, the researchers consulted insist on not submit the I + D + i as a "magic bullet against crisis", but as a long-term bet. It is no coincidence that the acronym on innovation scroll to the bottom and lower case. Innovation means bringing into production processes the results of scientific research and technological development, improving the competitiveness of the company. The conclusion is clear: to do so is to consolidate a system of science and technology stable and consistent. Read!


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