Monday, April 27, 2009

Cure For Twisted Nerve


Young feminists mobilizing against the discrimination they still suffer - Internet is their main ally renewed

THE COUNTRY-Basque Country

have been born in a democracy, men heard from girls and women are equal and attended the adoption of parity laws. They are the daughters of the formal equality but find that, despite progress and be better educated than ever, continue to earn a third less than men and risk of violence against women: more than 40% of complainants of abuse are under 32 years.

Three women representative of the generation around 30 years renovating feminism COUNTRY explained what led them to remain mobilized. Have chosen different paths: Izaskun Madariaga classic work in an organization, the Women's Assembly of Biscay; Iturrioz Joseph is the founder of a group young offender, Medeak, and the artist Saioa Olmo on inequality in their cultural projects. Read



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