Sunday, March 20, 2011

Microsoft Office Professionel 2003 Hacken

March and April Pictures

The picture is of Lance Wyman -designer of the logo of Mexico 1968 -
and advancement April portraits illustrating an interview with Enrique Penalosa (ex- Mayor of Bogotá), who cite some concepts that the motorized sector chilanga zoociedad should try, I repeat, try-understand.
potentially interesting approaches mat movers for all citizens of good will, they question their marrow the apantallapendejos actions of some leaders of Ash Wednesday as Peña Nieto and Marcelo Ebrard, particularly the super pathway to reach the second built-payment of fee-for his presidential candidacy.
Van appointments, with the permission of Leopard.

A good city is a city where people want to be outdoors, likes to go out under any pretext, to buy bread, walk, sit on a bench in the park. And do not like going to the mall. Nobody thinks of getting a shopping mall when in Paris or New York. That does not exist. A good city is a city where different people are in the street, in parks, on public transportation, rich people and poor people. And where people walk.
There are a couple of principles that are very powerful. A principle is the one in all the constitutions of the world, all citizens are equal before the law. [...], But it seems poetry is actually very powerful because a bus with a hundred passengers are entitled to one hundred times more road space than a car. And there is another principle, namely that the general interest prevails over the particular. If the general interest prevails over the individual, for example, there can be no private beaches. If the general interest prevails over the individual, possibly a golf club in the middle of a densely populated area could become a park.
Shopping malls are designed for a certain socioeconomic status. And there are some for high-income citizens, which are designed to make the poor feel uncomfortable and do not go. In some cases even take the porters who are citizens who are low income, but even if it is uncomfortable to get them out because obviously if I go to a store where the shirts are worth a thousand dollars or store Lamborghini or Rolls-Royce because I go scared to death that the seller asked me, 'Lord, do you like? ". Are mutually exclusive environments, cities that are made with gated make you feel inferior to those who can not enter. Parks are much more inclusive than a private club, street and street trade is more inclusive than a shopping mall.
For example, in Mexico City most of the population is mobilized by minibus, move many more people in particular micro car, however the best way, the fastest, are reserved exclusively for cars, not for the buses. That does not seem very democratic. One would think that from a democratic perspective, all major roads that cross the city should have exclusive lanes for buses, among others, not only for democracy but because it is the way more efficient to use the road space, from the engineering point of view. The whole discussion is of equal, ie if we allocate all avenues of the city exclusively for buses, in two days we solve the mobility problem.
developing cities like Mexico City or Bogotá usually they do is require parking spaces for new construction, a minimum. But the advanced cities is the opposite, in London for over 40 years are prohibited to make parking even in private spaces. [...] The State has no obligation to provide car parking, so that if people go and tell the government: "Why extend the sidewalk and remove the parking? Where am I going to park now? ". The mayor can say, "That's not my problem, it's as if you come and ask me where to store your food or clothing, this is a private problem to be solved in private rooms with private resources."
People want roads, which have a car, but not near their homes, so usually the highways where there are poor. When a highway passes through a neighborhood, destroy the neighborhood. If you pass a level it becomes a barrier, a fence that is noisy, clean and especially dangerous, you can not cross from one side to another, it is unpleasant, devalues \u200b\u200ball around and if it is high, too dark, etc.. [...] So I think we should make correct decisions, is an economic issue and investment. There are certain things that will cure you and there are things that do not. Here is also a technical problem is, I believe that all cities need big way. The question is: how many? What we do have to be clear is that the main roads will never fix the bottlenecks.


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